
Feelings #

Being in the Zone #

Being in a state of mind where all your attention must be focused on a single thing to avoid failure, leading to an emptiness of other thoughts.

Chaos to Solution #

The feeling when you have no idea how to fix something but suddenly a solution appears out of nowhere. You may or may not understand how the solution works or where it came from.

Constructive regret #

The feeling when you step out of a test and think ‘I knew that answer!!’ in a way that makes you want to walk right back into the testing hall and fix your mistake.

Discovery of hidden gems #

Most of the time this activity is monotonous and/or forgettable, but occasionally it will yield an extremely memorable or life-changing experience.

Easy to do #

Requires little to no difficult decision making, so is therefore easy to pick up and do. This can lead to impulsively doing this thing too much.

False Understanding #

A state of mind where something seems to make sense emotionally, but if you were to try to explain it in your own words or otherwise apply the knowledge you would fail.

Financial Control #

A feeling that you understand and are in control of your finances.

  • positive

Fitting puzzle pieces together #

The feeling of finding the right place for a part of something you are building.

Focus fragmenting #

The feeling of constantly having your focus redirected, preventing you from going deeper on any one particular thing.

Having a clear goal #

The feeling of knowing exactly what you need to do.

Joy of sharing #

The feeling you get when you find something cool and share it with someone else.

Pride of Construction #

Feeling proud or even in awe of something you made that is now a (semi) permenant thing in the world.

  • positive

Reactive Randomness Stress #

Committing a decision and then bracing yourself for bad things to happen based on some probability which you cannot stop (since you have already committed).

Relaxing #

Feeling comfortable and liable to zone out.

  • positive

Scanning through possibilities #

Constantly examining many options and determining the best one by some usually simple criteria.

  • engaging

Skill clicking into place #

The feeling when something that you thought was impossible, or otherwise had no idea how to even approach doing, you can suddenly do effortlessly.

Thrill of Committment #

Doing something with a penalty for failure that you can’t turn back from.

Triumph over Exposure #

Putting yourself in a stressful situation and showing yourself that you can survive in it. I think this is a feeling Marc-André Leclerc was chasing in the movie ‘The Alpinist’.

Wonder #

A sense of wonder at the beauty of the world.


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